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Version: 8.12.0

Chapter markers

This guide explains to you how to set up THEOplayer to display chapter markers as a way of navigating videos. For more information regarding chapter markers, see Resources at the bottom of this page.


Web SDKAndroid SDKiOS SDKtvOS SDKAndroid TV SDKChromecast SDK

How to use the Up Next API

The Up Next API is a UI feature and shows video chapters when hovering the timeline.


This guide expects that you have a THEOplayer license. If you aren't using THEOplayer yet, you can start your free trial here. Be sure to have THEOplayer version 2.11 or higher.

Adding a chapter markers track

In order to add chapter markers, you need to add a TextTrackDescription to your source that specifies a sideloaded text track of kind 'chapters'. THEOplayer supports loading of chapter markers in WebVTT, SRT and other text track formats.

To see an example of chapter markers in WebVTT formats, check out the article What are chapter markers?.

Code samples

The following code samples show how you can load THEOplayer with a video and sideloaded chapters track:


This example shows how to use chapters on your video. In this example, the source contains one TextTrack object, including a WebVTT file with video chapters.

player.source = {
textTracks : [{
kind : 'chapters',
src : '',
srclang : 'en'
Android SDK

The following example shows how to use chapters on your video. In this example, the source contains one TextTrack object, including a WebVTT file with video chapters.

new TextTrackDescription(
src: "",
isDefault: true,
srclang: "en",
label: "Chapters")
iOS/tvOS SDK and Legacy iOS/tvOS SDK (4.12.x)

A TextTrackDescription object has the following constructor:

TextTrackDescription(src: String,
srclang: String,
isDefault: Bool?,
kind: TextTrackKind?,
label: String?,
format: TextTrackFormat?)

The following example shows how to use chapters on your video. In this example, the source contains one TextTrack object, including a WebVTT file with video chapters.

Example code:

var textTrackDescription = TextTrackDescription(src: "",
srclang: "en",
kind: .chapters)

var sourceDescription = SourceDescription(source: TypedSource(src: "",
type: "application/x-mpegurl"),
textTracks: [textTrackDescription])

Sample application

This demo illustrates the use of chapter markers in production: