Interface GoogleImaIntegration

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public interface GoogleImaIntegration
     implements Integration

    The Google IMA Integration API.

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constants 
      Enum Constant Description
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      abstract Unit setAdsRenderingSettings(AdsRenderingSettings adsRenderingSettings) Sets the ads rendering settings which will be used when requesting an ad.
      abstract AdsRenderingSettings getAdsRenderingSettings() The ads rendering settings which will be used when requesting an ad.
      abstract Unit requestAds(AdsRequest adsRequest, AdsRenderingSettings adsRenderingSettings) Requests a Google IMA ad with the provided AdsRequest and AdsRenderingSettings.
      abstract Unit schedule(GoogleImaAdDescription googleImaAdDescription) Schedules a GoogleImaAdDescription.
      abstract Unit focus() Moves the focus on the skip button if present.
      • Methods inherited from class

      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • setAdsRenderingSettings

         abstract Unit setAdsRenderingSettings(AdsRenderingSettings adsRenderingSettings)

        Sets the ads rendering settings which will be used when requesting an ad.

        adsRenderingSettings - The AdsRenderingSettings (Nullable).
      • getAdsRenderingSettings

         abstract AdsRenderingSettings getAdsRenderingSettings()

        The ads rendering settings which will be used when requesting an ad.


        The AdsRenderingSettings (Nullable).

      • requestAds

         abstract Unit requestAds(AdsRequest adsRequest, AdsRenderingSettings adsRenderingSettings)

        Requests a Google IMA ad with the provided AdsRequest and AdsRenderingSettings.

        • Will not override the AdsRenderingSettings set from setAdsRenderingSettings.

        • If AdsRenderingSettings is passed, it will be used to request the Google IMA ad.

        • If AdsRenderingSettings is null, the AdsRenderingSettings from setAdsRenderingSettings will be used.

        adsRequest - The AdsRequest to be used to request the Google IMA ad (NonNull).
        adsRenderingSettings - The AdsRenderingSettings to be used to request the Google IMA ad (Nullable).
      • schedule

         abstract Unit schedule(GoogleImaAdDescription googleImaAdDescription)

        Schedules a GoogleImaAdDescription. It will be added on top of the already existing ads.

        • Alternatively, if you want to replace the ads with new ones or set ads while setting up the player, you should set a SourceDescription with a GoogleImaAdDescription.

        • This function will have no effect if an invalid AdDescription is provided.

        googleImaAdDescription - The ad to schedule (Nullable).
      • focus

         abstract Unit focus()

        Moves the focus on the skip button if present. If not present, focus is put on interactive elements, including icons or interactive creatives.