See: Description
Interface Summary Interface Description GoogleImaAd The GoogleImaAd API represents a Google IMA creative compliant to the VAST specification. Ads The Ads API which can be used to schedule as well as get information related to a group of advertisements. LinearAd The LinearAd API which represents a linear ad in the VAST specification. AdBreak The AdBreak API represents an ad break in the VMAP specification or an ad pod in the VAST specification. Omid The Omid API, which can be used to add as well as remove friendly video controls overlay obstructions. Ad The Ad API represents a VAST creative. NonLinearAd The NonLinearAd API represents a non-linear ad in the VAST specification. UniversalAdId CompanionAd The CompanionAd API represents a companion ad which is displayed besides the player. MediaFile The MediaFile API represents metadata of an media file with ad content. ServerSideAdIntegrationHandler A handler for a server-side ad integration. ServerSideAdIntegrationController A controller to be used by your ServerSideAdIntegrationHandler to update the state of your custom server-side ad integration. ServerSideAdIntegrationFactory Factory to create a ServerSideAdIntegrationHandler. -
Enum Summary Enum Description OmidFriendlyObstructionPurpose The purposes for which the OmidFriendlyObstruction should be considered as friendly. -
Class Summary Class Description OmidFriendlyObstruction The configuration of the friendly obstruction. Builder The builder for MediaFile. AdInit An initializer for a custom Ad. AdBreakInit An initializer for a custom AdBreak.