Interface ServerSideAdIntegrationController

    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • createAd

         abstract Ad createAd(AdInit props, AdBreak adBreak)

        Create a new ad.

        props - The initial properties to be set on the created ad.
        adBreak - If given, appends the ad to the given existing AdBreak.
      • updateAd

         abstract Unit updateAd(Ad ad, AdInit props)

        Update the given ad.

        ad - The ad to be updated.
        props - The properties to be updated on the ad.
      • createAdBreak

         abstract AdBreak createAdBreak(AdBreakInit props)

        Create a new ad break.

        This can be used to indicate where ad breaks can be expected in advance, before populating those ad breaks with ads.

        • The ad break will be added to adBreaks.

        props - The initial properties to be set on the created ad break.
      • updateAdBreak

         abstract Unit updateAdBreak(AdBreak adBreak, AdBreakInit props)

        Update the given ad break.

        adBreak - The ad break to be updated.
        props - The properties to be updated on the ad break.
      • removeAdBreak

         abstract Unit removeAdBreak(AdBreak adBreak)

        Remove the given ad break and all of its ads.

        • The ad break will be removed from adBreaks.

        • Any remaining ads in the ad break will be removed.

        adBreak - The ad break to be removed.
      • removeAllAds

         abstract Unit removeAllAds()

        Remove all ads and ad breaks.

        • This is a shorthand for calling removeAdBreak on all ad breaks in adBreaks.

      • fatalError

         abstract Unit fatalError(Throwable error, ErrorCode code)

        Fire a fatal ErrorEvent on the player.

        This stops playback immediately. Use Player.setSource to load a new source.

        error - The error.
        code - The error code.
      • getIntegration

         abstract String getIntegration()

        The identifier for this integration, as it was passed to Ads.registerServerSideIntegration.