
Video streaming for smart TV

We have optimized playback on a wide range of Smart and Connected TV platforms. Go live quickly and efficiently, with the best viewer experience available.

Best-in-class playback on smart TVs

Bring a consistent and high-quality viewer experience across smart and connected TV platforms.

Optimized playback experience

The highest performance, even on limited hardware

Build from the ground-up to deliver low start times, and high quality playback with high frame rates, 4k and HDR.

Best quality of experience

Provide for the best playback quality through our in-house developed ABR algorithm, which efficiently considers multiple network parameters to swiftly and seamlessly adjust to changing viewer network conditions.

Deliver live content with low latency

Create interactive experiences and avoid spoiler effects with low latency playback through LL-HLS, LL-DASH and HESP.

With out-of-the box integrations

Full support of the newest and all legacy TV platforms

We tirelessly test the full range of Smart TV devices and operating systems versions, including new releases and old versions, to ensure you can deliver a consistent and performant viewer experience.


Smart TV versions


Smart TV tests

Seamless integrations

Accelerate your time-to-market for high-quality video playback on Smart TVs through more than 200 integrations with advertising, analytics and DRM solutions.

Discover how we have optimized SSAI on Smart TVs with AWS Mediatailor


Read up on more Smart TV related insights

Want to deliver high-quality online video experiences to your viewers, efficiently?

We’d love to talk about how we can help you with your video player, low latency live delivery and advertisement needs.