Interface LatencyConfiguration

The latency configuration for managing the live offset of the player.

interface LatencyConfiguration {
    forceSeekOffset: number;
    maximumOffset: number;
    maximumPlaybackRate: number;
    minimumOffset: number;
    minimumPlaybackRate: number;
    targetOffset: number;


forceSeekOffset: number

The live offset at which the player will automatically trigger a live seek.

maximumOffset: number

The end of the target live window. If the live offset becomes higher than this value, the player will speed up in order to decrease the latency.

maximumPlaybackRate: number

Indicates the maximum playbackRate used to speed up the player.

minimumOffset: number

The start of the target live window. If the live offset becomes smaller than this value, the player will slow down in order to increase the latency.

minimumPlaybackRate: number

Indicates the minimum playbackRate used to slow down the player.

targetOffset: number

The live offset that the player will aim for. When correcting the offset by tuning the playbackRate, the player will stop correcting when it reaches this value.