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Version: 8.11.0

Getting started on Android

Add THEOplayer and Kotlin libraries to your application

We have to modify the build.gradle files to be able to fetch the Android SDK and the Kotlin plugin.

  1. In your top-level (project) settings.gradle.kts file

  2. Add the THEOplayer Maven repository.

dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
  1. Next, we need to edit the build.gradle on the module-level (app/build.gradle)
implementation "com.theoplayer.theoplayer-sdk-android:core:+"
implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:1.6.21"
implementation "androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.7.0"

Note: It's possible to replace the + with a particular version of THEOplayer that should be used, for example:

implementation 'com.theoplayer.theoplayer-sdk-android:core:8.0.0'

Setting up the license

You need to configure your THEOplayer license, if you don't enter this license string, you might encounter licensing issues (e.g.: when trying to play non-whitelisted video streams).

First, obtain a THEOplayer Android SDK license through the THEOplayer Developer Portal.

Then, identify your license string from the screenshot above and add the <meta-data ... tag below at the appropriate location in your AndroidManifest.xml, and swap your_license_here with your actual license string.

android:value="your_license_here" />

Additionally, to play online videos with THEOplayer, you first need to add INTERNET permission into the AndroidManifest.xml file too.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

More information regarding the license can be found here.

Add THEOplayer view to your application

THEOplayer can be added to an Android application either:

  1. Through a layout (XML): By adding the THEOplayerView to your layout XML file (e.g., activity_main.xml), or
  2. Programmatically using the Constructor API: This approach also allows you to configure the license string through a programmatic configuration instead of the AndroidManifest.xml.

Adding THEOplayerView via XML layout

You can add the THEOplayerView to the layout of the MainActivity with the snippet below.

At least the id, width and height attributes need to be specified on the new view. The id is important as it is used to identify the view object in your MainActivity class.


Adding THEOplayerView programmatically (Constructor API)

In the Activity/Fragment, you can use the constructor API to create a THEOplayer instance by passing along a context and a THEOplayerConfig.

In this THEOplayerConfig, you can configure your license string, as demonstrated in the snippet below.

val playerConfig = THEOplayerConfig.Builder()

val theoPlayerView = THEOplayerView(this, playerConfig)

This approach is ideal when you need to adjust the configuration dynamically, such as during runtime or based on specific app conditions. It removes the need for XML-based configuration and is useful for advanced customization scenarios.

Use THEOplayer API in your application

Now in the MainActivity we can retrieve the THEOplayerView by the id we set earlier using the findViewById method.

1. Get the THEOplayer instance


class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
lateinit var theoPlayerView: THEOplayerView

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
theoPlayerView = findViewById(

2. Configure source

To play a video in THEOplayer, we need to configure a source for the player in our MainActivity:

val typedSource = TypedSource

val sourceDescription = SourceDescription

theoPlayerView.player.source = sourceDescription

3. Control THEOplayer through the API

We will now introduce a button to start/stop the video in the player.

First add the button to our activity_main.xml layout file.

android:text="PLAY/PAUSE" />

Then set an OnClickListener() on the button in our MainActivity code to trigger play() and pause() on the player.

val btnPlayPause = findViewById<Button>(
btnPlayPause.setOnClickListener {
if (theoPlayerView.player.isPaused) {
} else {

4. Listen for THEOplayer events

The next step is listening for player events.

First, we need to create two more TextViews in the activity_main.xml file.



We will now listen for PLAY, PAUSE and TIMEUPDATE in this example.

val txtPlayStatus = findViewById<TextView>(
val txtTimeUpdate = findViewById<TextView>(

theoPlayerView.player.addEventListener(PlayerEventTypes.PLAY) {
txtPlayStatus.text = "Playing"

theoPlayerView.player.addEventListener(PlayerEventTypes.PAUSE) {
txtPlayStatus.text = "Paused"

theoPlayerView.player.addEventListener(PlayerEventTypes.TIMEUPDATE) { timeUpdateEvent ->
txtTimeUpdate.text = timeUpdateEvent.currentTime.toString()

When the events are triggered, we will update the MainActivity UI with the corresponding state.

5. Play fullscreen video in landscape mode

THEOplayer SDK contains a default fullscreen activity which can be started automatically when you rotate your device.

We have to configure our player instance in the MainActivity to react to orientation changes and start the Fullscreen activity.

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
theoPlayerView = findViewById(
theoPlayerView.fullScreenManager.isFullScreenOrientationCoupled = true

In the AndroidManifest.xml we can disable the default orientation behavior on our MainActivity and lock it in portrait. Then, because we enabled fullscreen orientation coupling with the setFullScreenOrientationCoupled(true) method earlier, THEOplayer will take care of the support of seamless landscape activity transition at rotation.

<activity android:name=".MainActivity"
android:configChanges="orientation|screenSize" >
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />

<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />

If you would like to customize the Fullscreen Activity, you can take a look at our sample here.

Couple THEOplayer with the lifecycle callbacks

In order for THEOplayer to work properly and in sync with the Activity lifecycle changes (e.g. when we rotate the device or start a new Activity or the app goes to background). We need to call the onResume, onPause and onDestroy methods of the THEOplayerView when the matching methods are called in the Activity.

class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {

// ...

override fun onPause() {

override fun onResume() {

override fun onDestroy() {

// ...


Run your application

Here you have some screenshots from the running application:

Start screen

Playing screen

Paused screen

Rotated fullscreen


This guide focuses on creating an Android application from scratch and integrating the THEOplayer Android SDK.

  • You have learned how to interact with the player via the available APIs in Kotlin and Java,
  • you have registered player events,
  • and you have learned how to enable automatic orientation detection.

You can find various samples for different use cases on GitHub.

Did you encounter any issues? Raise a ticket through the ticketing system and we will be happy to assist.