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Version: 8.11.0

Getting started with React Native THEOplayer

The react-native-theoplayer package provides a THEOplayerView component supporting video playback on the following platforms:

  • Android, Android TV & FireTV
  • iOS & tvOS (Apple TV)
  • HTML5, Tizen & webOS (web, mobile web, smart TVs, set-top boxes and gaming consoles).

This document covers the creation of a minimal app including a THEOplayerView component, and an overview of the accompanying example app with a user interface provided by the @theoplayer/react-native-ui package.

It also gives a description of the properties of the THEOplayerView component, and a list of features and known limitations.


For each platform, a dependency to the corresponding THEOplayer SDK is included through a dependency manager:

  • Gradle & Maven for Android
  • Cocoapods for iOS
  • npm for Web

In order to use one of these THEOplayer SDKs, it is necessary to obtain a valid THEOplayer license for that specific platform, i.e. HTML5, Android, and/or iOS. You can sign up for a THEOplayer SDK license through our portal.

If you have no previous experience in React Native, we encourage you to first explore the React Native Documentation, as it gives you a good start on one of the most popular app development frameworks.

How to use these guides

These are guides on how to use the THEOplayer React Native SDK in your React Native project(s) and can be used linearly or by searching the specific section. It is recommended that you have a basic understanding of how React Native works to speed up the way of working with THEOplayer React Native SDK.


Depending on the platform on which the application is deployed, a different set of features is available.

If a feature missing, additional help is needed, or you need to extend the package, please reach out to us for support.

FeatureAndroid, Android TV, Fire TVWebiOS, tvOS
StreamingMPEG-DASH (fmp4, CMAF), HLS (TS, CMAF), Progressive MP4, MP3HLS (TS, CMAF), Progressive MP4, MP3
Content ProtectionWidevineWidevine, PlayReady, FairplayFairplay
DRM ConnectorsBuyDRM, EZDRM, Anvato, Titanium, Axinom, Irdeto, VuDRM, Comcast, Verimatrix, Azure, …
Analytics ConnectorsAdobe, Agama, Comscore, Conviva, Mux, Nielsen, Youbora
Subtitles & Closed CaptionsCEA-608/708, SRT, TTML, WebVTT
MetadataEvent stream, emsg, ID3, EXT-X-DATERANGE, EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME
Advertising IntegrationGoogle IMA, Google DAI
Cast IntegrationChromecastChromecast, Airplay
Presentation ModeInline, Picture-in-Picture, Fullscreen
Audio Control ManagementAudio focus & Audio-Becoming-Noisy mgmt(Audio control management by platform)
Advanced APIsBackground playback,
Media Session,
Media Cache (offline playback)
Background playback,
Media Cache (iOS only)
User Interface
Basic playback, media & text track selection, progress bar, live & vod, preview thumbnails, customisable & extensible

Available connectors

The react-native-theoplayer package can be combined with any number of connectors to provide extra functionality. Currently, the following connectors are available:

Package namePurposeRegistry
@theoplayer/react-native-analytics-adobeAdobe analytics connectornpm
@theoplayer/react-native-analytics-agamaAgama analytics connectornpm
@theoplayer/react-native-analytics-comscoreComscore analytics connectornpm
@theoplayer/react-native-analytics-convivaConviva analytics connectornpm
@theoplayer/react-native-analytics-muxMux analytics connectornpm
@theoplayer/react-native-analytics-nielsenNielsen analytics connectornpm
@theoplayer/react-native-analytics-youboraYoubora analytics connectornpm
@theoplayer/react-native-drmContent protection (DRM) connectorsnpm
@theoplayer/react-native-uiReact Native user interfacenpm
@theoplayer/react-native-connector-templateA template for
react-native-theoplayer connectors.

Creating your first app

This section starts with creating a minimal demo app that integrates the react-native-theoplayer package, followed by an overview of the available properties and functionality of the THEOplayerView component. An example application including a basic user interface and demo sources is included in the git repository, and discussed in the next section.

Knowledge Base

This section gives an overview of features, limitations and known issues:

API Reference

See the API Reference for detailed documentation about all available components and functions.