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Version: 8.2.2

What are the player seeking and seeked events and when are they fired

They are events related to the playback of media files. seeking is fired when the user starts seeking/moving to a new position. seeked is fired when the user is finished seeking/moving to a new position and the player has buffered a video portion, being therefore ready to play.

The player seeking and seeked events are not to be confused with the homonym <video> element events, although they mainly coincide in meaning and occurrence. In this regard, in THEOplayer you find both the player events and the video events.

Seeking and scrubbing are not considered equal in THEOplayer. Seeking is the action of starting to move to a new position and it has the corresponding seeking event. Scrubbing is the action to keep seeking to new positions while maintaining mousedown for a prolonged time. It has no corresponding event. Scrubbing can contain multiple seeking actions. While the viewer is scrubbing, the CSS class vjs-scrubbing is added on the .theoplayer-container element.

In other words, if the viewer does not seek directly to a new position with one click (mousedown and mouseup) but scrubs on the timeline instead, multiple seeking and seeked events may be fired. This is due to the not uniform movement while scrubbing. For example, if the pointer stays briefly in the same position while scrubbing and then resumes its motion, multiple seeking events may be thrown, as this is interpreted as different seeking actions. Even during scrubbing, if the pointer is temporarily staying in the same position, the player will try to buffer the corresponding video portion. If enough video is buffered and playback could start from that position, the seeked event will also be thrown at that moment, although the user may still be scrubbing.


The player events and <video> element events seeking and seeked should behave similarly, be fired on the same occasions and the same number of times. If they don’t, please report it in a ticket in our Service Desk.


The following resources provide more information: