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Version: 7.8.0

Getting started on Tizen

This how-to guide describes how to set up a Tizen application using the THEOplayer SDK on Tizen.

You may also find the Getting Started on Web to be useful.


For brevity, set-up is split up over multiple pages:

Getting started with the THEOplayer Tizen reference app


  • Generate a Tizen SDK build via the THEOplayer portal.
  • Download the reference app project
  • Read the README to get started. There is one at the root level and one in the two examples.
  • Import the project in Tizen Studio

Go to File -> Open Projects from File System

Select the directory. Then press Finish.

Reference app structure structure

  • example-with-ui/
    • Contains a Tizen project with a UI. Follow the readme for more instructions.
    • css/
      • CSS styles as used in the app.
    • js/
      • JavaScript files as used in the app. The compiled result of src/ is put in here.
    • src/
      • The source code of the UI application. Change or replace as desired.
    • libs/
      • (Insert your THEOplayer Tizen SDK here)
    • index.html
      • Entry point of application.
    • config.xml
      • Permissions of the app.
    • package.json
      • Contains the commands required to build the UI.
  • minimum-example/
    • Contains a very minimal Tizen project example. No UI included.
    • libs/
      • (Insert your THEOplayer Tizen SDK here)
    • index.html
      • Entry point of application.
    • config.xml
      • Permissions of the app.