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Version: 8.10.0

How can we track the first play(ing) event?

The question above is commonly asked to assist with the use-cases where the first play event thrown by THEOplayer for a specific stream needs to be detected. Similar questions are:

  • The developer wants to know when a new stream plays for the first time.
  • The developer wants to forward a firstplay event to an analytics backend.
  • The developer has heard of a firstplay event, and is interested if THEOplayer provides it.

Although we don't explicitly expose a firstplay event, you can implement it yourself, allowing you more control over its logic.


Web SDKAndroid SDKiOS SDKtvOS SDKAndroid TV SDKChromecast SDKRoku SDK

Code examples

The snippets below demonstrate an example implementation of firstplaying.

If the user pauses the stream, and resumes the video player, the event isn't re-thrown. If the user switches to another video, the firstplaying event will be thrown once again. You can also swap out the playing event for a play event, or any other event for that matter.

function firstplaying(event) {
player.removeEventListener('playing', firstplaying);
console.log('first play event!', event);
player.addEventListener('sourcechange', function () {
console.log('A new SourceDescription has been set.');
player.removeEventListener('playing', firstplaying);
player.addEventListener('playing', firstplaying);
// OR
// player.addEventListener('loadedmetadata', function() {
// console.log("A new stream has been detected.");
// player.removeEventListener('playing', firstplaying);
// player.addEventListener('playing', firstplaying);
// });
Android SDK
final EventListener<PlayingEvent> firstplaying = new EventListener<PlayingEvent>() {
public void handleEvent(PlayingEvent playingEvent) {
tpv.getPlayer().removeEventListener(PlayerEventTypes.PLAYING, this);
System.out.println("First playing event!");

tpv.getPlayer().addEventListener(PlayerEventTypes.LOADEDMETADATA, new EventListener<LoadedMetadataEvent>() {
public void handleEvent(LoadedMetadataEvent loadedMetadataEvent) {
System.out.println("A new stream has been detected.");
tpv.getPlayer().removeEventListener(PlayerEventTypes.PLAYING, firstplaying);
tpv.getPlayer().addEventListener(PlayerEventTypes.PLAYING, firstplaying);
iOS/tvOS SDK and Legacy iOS/tvOS SDK (4.12.x)

//work in progress

Roku SDK

To track only the first playing event we will add a "playing" event and a callback function. We will remove this event listener to make sure that the event callback will only be executed once.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<component name="TestScene" extends="Scene">
<function name="callbackOnEventPlayerFirstPlaying"/>
<function name="callbackOnEventPlayerSourcechange"/>

<script type = "text/brightscript" >


function Init()
m.player ="TestPlayer")
m.player.configuration = {
"license": "" ' put the THEOplayer license between apostrophes
m.player.listener =
m.player.callFunc("addEventListener", m.player.Event.sourcechange, "callbackOnEventPlayerSourcechange")

end function

function setSource()
sourceDescription = {
"sources": [
"src": "",
"type": "application/x-mpegURL"
m.player.source = sourceDescription
m.player.source.Live = false
m.player.source.LiveBoundsPauseBehavior = "pause"
end function

function callbackOnEventPlayerSourcechange(eventData)
? "Event <sourcechange>: "; eventData
m.player.callFunc("removeEventListener", m.player.Event.playing, "callbackOnEventPlayerFirstPlaying")
m.player.callFunc("addEventListener", m.player.Event.playing, "callbackOnEventPlayerFirstPlaying")
end function

function callbackOnEventPlayerFirstPlaying(eventData)
m.player.callFunc("removeEventListener", m.player.Event.playing, "callbackOnEventPlayerFirstPlaying")
? "Event <firstplaying>: "; eventData
end function



<THEOsdk:THEOplayer id="TestPlayer"/>
