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Version: 8.2.2

Conviva Connector for VideoAnalytics & AdsAnalytics

This article describes on how to integrate Conviva for Video Analytics and Ads Analytics offered as a connector with THEOplayer SDK.


Web SDKAndroid SDKiOS SDKtvOS SDKAndroid TV SDKChromecast SDKTizenwebOS



  1. A THEOplayer build with a valid license is required. You can
  2. Follow the Getting started on Web guide to include your player on a simple HTML page.
  3. For setting up a valid Conviva session, you must have access to a Conviva developer account with access to a debug or production key.


Install using your favorite package manager for Node (such as npm or yarn):

Install via npm

npm install @theoplayer/conviva-connector-web

Install via yarn

yarn add @theoplayer/conviva-connector-web


Step 1

Define the Conviva metadata and configuration:

const convivaMetadata = {
["Conviva.assetName"]: "ASSET_NAME_GOES_HERE",
["Conviva.streamUrl"]: "CUSTOMER_STREAM_URL_GOES_HERE",
["Conviva.streamType"]: "STREAM_TYPE_GOES_HERE", // VOD or LIVE
["Conviva.applicationName"]: "APPLICATION_NAME_GOES_HERE",
["Conviva.viewerId"]: "VIEWER_ID_GOES_HERE"

const convivaConfig = {
debug: false,
customerKey: "CUSTOMER_KEY_GOES_HERE" // Can be a test or production key.

Step 2

Using these configs you can create the Conviva connector with THEOplayer. Alternatives:

  • Add as a regular script:
<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/conviva-connector.umd.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
const player = new THEOplayer.Player(element, configuration);
const convivaIntegration = new THEOplayerConvivaConnector.ConvivaConnector(
  • Add as an ES2015 module:
<script type="module">
import { ConvivaConnector } from "path/to/conviva-connector.esm.js";
const player = new THEOplayer.Player(element, configuration);
const convivaIntegration = new ConvivaConnector(

The Conviva connector is now ready to start a session once THEOplayer starts playing a source.


  • You can download the latest Conviva library from Conviva Developer Community.
  • You can use any version of Conviva library supporting Video and Ads Analytics.
  • The THEOplayer instance (variable player) needs to be initialized before Conviva connector.
  • convivaConfig contains the details of the Conviva configuration and convivaMetadata is used to add manually metadata associated to that content.
  • The Conviva connector has full support for Video and Ad Analytics offered by Conviva. This connector can be maintained and managed by across teams as it is built using all public APIs of THEOplayer and Conviva. Any new updates or changes can be easily modified and customized as per customer requirements. (There is no dependency on the THEOplayer or Conviva library version)

Usage with Yospace connector

If you have a Yospace SSAI stream and want to also report ad related events to Conviva, you can use this connector in combination with the Yospace connector: @theoplayer/yospace-connector-web

After configuring the Yospace connector, you can link it to the Conviva connector:

async function setupYospaceConnector(player) {
const source = {
sources: [
src: ",hlssample42.m3u8?",
ssai: {
integration: "yospace"

// Create the connectors.
const yospace = new THEOplayerYospaceConnector.YospaceConnector(player);
const conviva = new THEOplayerConvivaConnector.ConvivaConnector(

// Link ConvivaConnector with the YospaceConnector.

// Set the source.
await yospace.setupYospaceSession(source);

Android SDK


  1. The THEOplayer Android SDK Conviva Connector requires the application to import the THEOplayer Android SDK since the connector relies on its public APIs. For more details, check out our Getting started on Android guide.
  2. For setting up a valid Conviva session, you must have access to a Conviva developer account with access to a debug or production key.


After setting up the THEOplayer Android SDK, in your module level build.gradle file add the THEOplayer Android SDK Conviva Connector and the Conviva SDK:

implementation ''
implementation 'com.conviva.sdk:conviva-core-sdk:4.0.33'


Setting up the Conviva Connector

val theoplayerView: THEOplayerView

private fun setupConviva() {
val customerKey = "your_conviva_customer_key"
val gatewayUrl = "your_conviva_debug_gateway_url"

val metadata = hashMapOf(
"Conviva.applicationName" to "THEOplayer",
"Conviva.viewerId" to "viewerId"
val config = ConvivaConfiguration(
true, // debug
convivaConnector = ConvivaConnector(applicationContext, theoplayerView.player, metadata, config)

Setting asset name

Most media related properties, such as its streamURL, duration or whether it is a live or vod stream, are determined and passed by the connector itself when setting a new source.

Whenever a new source is set on the player, the metadata title property is used to pass an asset name.

theoplayerView.player.source = SourceDescription.Builder(
.metadata(MetadataDescription(mapOf("title" to "Big Buck Bunny")))

Alternatively, the asset name can be passed to the connector at any time along with additional metadata through an open key-value map, for example:

theoplayerView.player.source = sourceDescription
"Conviva.assetName" to "Big Buck Bunny",
"customTag1" to "customValue1",
"customTag2" to "customValue2"

Starting a new session on program boundaries

By default, new sessions are only started on play-out of a new source, or when an ad break starts. During a live stream it is possible to manually mark the start of a new session, for example when a new program starts.

"Conviva.assetName" to "New program",
"customTag1" to "customValue1",
"customTag2" to "customValue2"

Destroying / Cleaning up

To release listeners and resources, call destroy whenever the Conviva Connector is no longer needed.


After destroying a Conviva Connector instance, it can no longer be used. If needed, a new instance should be created.



Swift Package Manager

  1. In Xcode, install the Conviva libraries by navigating to File > Add Packages
  2. In the prompt that appears, select the iOS-Connector GitHub repository:
  3. Select the version you want to use.
  4. Choose the Connector libraries you want to include in your app.


  1. Create a Podfile if you don't already have one. From the root of your project directory, run the following command: pod init
  2. To your Podfile, add the Conviva connector pods that you want to use in your app: pod 'THEOplayer-Connector-Conviva'
  3. Install the pods using pod install, then open your .xcworkspace file to see the project in Xcode.


Import the THEOplayerConnectorConviva module:

import THEOplayerConnectorConviva

Create a ConvivaConfiguration that contains the info on how to connect to your conviva endpoint:

let configuration = ConvivaConfiguration(
customerKey: "put your customer key here",
gatewayURL: " put your gateway URL here ",

Create a ConvivaConnector that uses this configuration and your THEOplayer instance:

let connector = ConvivaConnector(
configuration: configuration,
player: yourTHEOplayer

For each asset you play, the asset name needs to be reported to Conviva which you can do by providing the asset name as a title field inside your SourceDescription's metadata:

let mySource = SourceDescription(source: source, metadata: MetadataDescription(metadataKeys: ["title": "your_asset_name"]))

Alternatively, the asset name can be provided as contentInfo (CIS_SSDK_METADATA_ASSET_NAME) using the setContentInfo method, along with other metadata. For example to report the viewer's ID:

let contentInfo = [ 

Important note: setting a new source on the player will reset previously set contentInfo. Make sure to use the setContentInfo method after receiving the SOURCE_CHANGE event.


Hold a reference to your connector. Once the connector is released from memory it will clean up itself and stop reporting to Conviva.