We are excited to invite you to attend Streaming Media NYC this year in the vibrant city of New York from May 20th to May 22nd for an exciting exploration of the future of streaming technology.
Connect with our team and dive into the latest development in cross-platform video playback and real-time streaming at scale.
We look forward to seing you there!
THEOlive: Real-time streaming at scale made easy
THEOlive is an end-to-end cloud-based video API for real-time streaming at scale. Start streaming at ultra-low latency in minutes, delivering the best quality of experience on the market today!

Past Webinars
Here you can find a selection of our past webinars!
With topics ranging from the Benefits of using a commercial React Native video player vs. DIY with open source, to Innovations in Low Latency Livestreaming; there is something for everyone here at THEO!

How to easily integrate THEOplayer in your React Native video app

How to easily integrate THEOplayer in your React Native video app