Optimizing LL-HLS: How does HESP fare against LL-HLS?

Optimizing LL-HLS: How does HESP fare against LL-HLS?

In the previous blog, we’ve covered the 4 key factors affecting the quality of low latency streaming experience when utilising Apple's LL-HLS protocol. Additionally, we have also discussed the importance of GOP size and its impacts on the overall viewing experience and provide 4 recom …

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Operating HESP with low encoding costs

Operating HESP with low encoding costs

The High Efficiency Streaming Protocol (HESP) comes with a lot of advantages. It allows for sub second latency over standard HTTP CDNs (and the cost to scale benefit they bring), with unrivalled channel change times. The high QoE HESP delivers is the result of it’s main difference wit …

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Workaround for the Safari Fairplay regression in iOS and iPadOS 15

Workaround for the Safari Fairplay regression in iOS and iPadOS 15

What is the problem? As some of you are likely aware of, a regression was introduced in the iOS & iPadOS 15 versions. The issue has an impact upon playback of Fairplay protected streams in Safari. As a result, all video players (including Apple’s own playback support) which attemp …

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Optimizing LL-HLS: 4 Recommendations For The Best Low-Latency Streaming

Optimizing LL-HLS: 4 Recommendations For The Best Low-Latency Streaming

In the previous blog, we’ve covered the 4 key factors affecting the quality of low latency streaming experience when utilising Apple's LL-HLS protocol. Additionally, we have also discussed the importance of GOP size and its impacts on the overall viewing experience. In this blog, we w …

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Optimizing LL-HLS: The Impacts of GOP size on Viewing Experience

Optimizing LL-HLS: The Impacts of GOP size on Viewing Experience

In the previous blog, we’ve covered the 4 key factors affecting the quality of low latency streaming experience when utilising Apple's LL-HLS protocol. In this blog, we will take a dive into the importance of Group of Pictures (GOP) and its impacts on the overall viewing experience. A …

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Optimizing LL-HLS: 4 Key Factors affecting its performance

Optimizing LL-HLS: 4 Key Factors affecting its performance

In the previous LL-HLS series, we’ve covered how it works and how the end-to-end solution should look as well as suitable use cases and THEO’s recommendations for LL-HLS implementations. In this blog series, we want to focus on how to tune better for Low Latency Streaming with an intr …

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How to Optimize CSAI on Tizen and WebOS in 3 Steps

How to Optimize CSAI on Tizen and WebOS in 3 Steps

One notable change as the globe struggles with the pandemic's effects is the rise of OTT consumption through smart TVs. As more people turn to their living room TVs for entertainment, businesses have a unique opportunity to reap benefits from this trend. However, tapping into the adve …

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Buy vs Build: The Advantage of a Commercial Video Player

Buy vs Build: The Advantage of a Commercial Video Player

When planning (or re-evaluating) your approach to the video player component of your video delivery workflow, you will more than likely at some point reach a crossroads when considering the decision to follow the open-source or commercial video player path. Whilst both options are ent …

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Announcement: THEO's HESP is now an IETF Specification

THEO's HESP is now an IETF Specification

THEO's High-Efficiency Streaming Protocol (HESP) has been made available as a draft informational via the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). This significant milestone was achieved through works done by the HESP Alliance working groups, essentially describing the first version of …

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How to Optimise CSAI on Tizen and webOS in 3 Steps (Part 2)

How to Optimize CSAI on Tizen and webOS in 3 Steps (Part 2)

In the previous article, we have explored the challenges, observations made, and the suggested solutions one can make to ensure smooth CSAI ad playback on Samsung Tizen and LG WebOS. In this article, we will guide you through the 3 steps of the suggested solution implementation and to …

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