A comprehensive Guide to Low Latency

THEO Technologies and EZDRM partner to offer DRM-protected ultra-low latency video for Sportsbooks and iGaming providers

Latency, low latency, ultra-low latency are becoming increasingly important. New developments like LL-HLS and CMAF-CTE both confirm and support this statement, in addition to other streaming protocols such as webRTC and RTMP. With all the technology and the definition of latency, it c …

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Low Latency DASH (LL-DASH)

Low Latency DASH (LL-DASH)

Apple’s HLS and MPEG-DASH are two of the most popular HTTP Adaptive Streaming (HAS) protocols that have become the de facto industry standards. In this blog we will talk about MPEG-DASH, more specifically its low latency variant (LL-DASH), explain how it works and things to consider w …

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